Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Seasoned Greenbeans

*click image for larger view*

I love well seasoned green beans. I enjoy both southern style ones and asian style beans. I prefer my greenbeans with some crunch to them. Travis prefers them softer... so I try to cook them inbetween :-)

One way I season them though is to add "Tastefully Simples Seasoning Salt" (google it if your interested in purchasing it). I then add a dash of kikomon soy sauce. Not sure on the spelling of that brand :-)

It adds a very nice flavor!

I dont really have exact amts. to give you. I just throw it together...
Add however much of the season salt as you want and soy sauce. All depends on your taste :-)



Donna said...

Or you can contact me to purchase ANYTHING Tastefully Simple! I can even ship to out of towners!


just leave me a message in my coments section!