Thursday, June 01, 2006

Crispy Oven Fried Chicken

*Click image for full size view*

2 - 3 pounds of chicken parts
White bread torn into pieces
4 slices Garlic
4 clovesParmesan cheese
1/4 cup grated Dry crumbled thyme
1 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoons Pepper 1/2 teaspoon
Poly unsaturated margarine (low fat kind) 2 tablespoons
Skimmed milk 1/4 cup


Preheat oven to 375F.
Put garlic in food processor to chop it. Then add in bread, parmesan, thyme, salt, and pepper. Process until the bread is all crumbled.
Then add butter, and process until the butter is well mixed. Place into a large bowl.
Take a piece of chicken and dip it in milk, then coat with the bread mix you just made.
Bake until the chicken is cooked. About 45 minutes to 1 hour
This fried chicken recipe serves about 4 people.


I loved the recipe. It was easy to make. Didnt cost hardly anything... since most of the ingredients it calls for people have.

The only thing I did differently was instead of using Parmasan Cheese... I used Mont. Jack Cheese... its all I had :-) Tasted fine though!

Caleb even liked this chicken meal.
He isnt fond of baked chicken... but I think its crunchy exterior made him think it was chicken tenders or something, hehe.

RECIPE CREDITS : click here


Airah said...

honestly speaking, i never really liked chicken. ;p

i had this unforgettable experience eating chicken for lunch when i was in sixth grade. until now, ahm.. never mind. :-)

anyway, have a nice day! *hugs*


Drea said...

well I suppose thats fair :-)
I dont eat Hamburgers or steak. Not because of a bad experience... just because hamburgers look nasty to me (never actually swallowed one. I bit into one once)... and well steak isnt tasty to me. Ive had it a few times.

Heather @ said...

Oh my gosh, I have the perfect chicken tenders recipe. It is similar to yours with some ingredient changes. I'll have to post it next time I make so I'll have a picture of it.

Anonymous said...

oh gosh! macaroni n cheese!!!!! oh gosh!